Upskilling your workforce to thrive in a global landscape

As English language specialists, we partner with company’s Learning, Performance and Development teams to help close that skill-gap. With our English Suite audit, we collaborate with company HR experts or relevant departments, to assess employee’s communication skills and global agility competencies and then provide advice and practical support for each employee’s language development. Whether your organisation wants to improve employees’ ability to present in English or help them build confidence in English-speaking client meetings, we work with you to develop a coaching strategy that meets individual, specific needs.

Our ultimate goal is to support your company to raise its international profile and see your employees thrive in a global, professional landscape.

Our English Suite audit service

How it works:

  1. Liaise with your company to identify target employee population and define audit goals (assessing specific skills or general proficiency).
  2. Set up a schedule for one-to-one interviews with class-e trainers to evaluate and assess the individual’s comprehension & spoken proficiency skills (between 30-45 minutes).
  3. Issue participants with a Cambridge Linguaskill Reading & Writing skills assessment which they complete online.
  4. Create multi-skill language competency profiles for each audit participant with the results from the completed assessments.
  5. Recommend individual learning strategies, prioritising areas for higher performance development for each individual to excel in using English at work.

Why choose us? Our proven track record for success

Our success stories speak for themselves! We have an established record of providing long-term English language training support for many of our clients across Europe and in different sectors. Companies trust us with their employees. They know we understand the challenges and demands of working in a second language and have total confidence in our level of co-operation, our investment in them and commitment to every individual’s personal and professional development.

View our case studies

  • Dedicated & personal approach

  • Practical, professional support

  • Experienced in working with various business sectors

  • Targeted objectives & outcomes

  • Individual focus

  • Responsive, reactive & dynamic


What’s the process when signing up or enrolling with class-e?

Very personal: We invite you to “meet” us online to have an initial introduction (with no obligation). We do a short needs analysis to find out how we can help, then we can get your employees started on their first course as soon as you are happy and ready. Payment is usually made before the courses start via bank transfer.

How often do you meet or run training sessions with employees?

The client decides: One or two hours a week is typically what we suggest as a recommended progress development program. But if you need to fast track your skills, one hour a day is also possible. Or you can sign up for an intensive online course with extended sessions.

What’s the format: Is it in-person or online?

Flexible format: We deliver both in-person and online services and chat to the client to discuss their individual needs.

How do you work with organisations – is there a “set structure” or are you reactive to their needs?

Reactive – we have a bespoke approach. Our courses are personalised and designed to meet individual or organisational immediate or long-term needs.

Do you measure the success of the sessions and report back to the organisation?

We give constructive language feedback after every session and regular, informal progress reviews. More detailed, formal progress reports and assessments can be arranged. Class-e are agents for the Linguaskill testing platform which we use for individual or group language ‘audit’ assessments or testing pre and post-course, on request.